Blog How To Learn A Language Podcast
August 26th, 2024
What You Need Before Language Life (& Don’t Need!)
Language Life has been designed to be the best option for learners of any language at any level who want to make fluent happen. Here’s what you need before Language Life.

Before we begin…
The Video
The Podcast
What You Need Before Language Life (& Don’t Need!)
You Don’t Need a Language Specific Program
The first thing that you don’t need before Language Life is a language specific program/course.
You don’t need a Spanish program to learn Spanish successfully.
And, of course, switch out ‘Spanish’ for the language you’re learning if needed.
I know that sounds odd, so allow me to explain.
Often what happens when people buy a language specific program is it’s a bunch of info (vocab, grammar etc) typically without much guidance on how to learn it and how to remember it.
So you end up not really sure where to start, or you work through things in the order given to you & blame yourself when things don’t stick.
In terms of how Language Life helps, you’ll learn how to start learning a new language from scratch, how to use any resource (especially free ones & things you already have – no new Spanish program needed!), and how to do both of those things in the best ways that work for you.
I put a real emphasis on making sure that you consider yourself with your learning, so that you can become your own teacher & always ensure things are flexible, functional and fun.
The best way to start with Language Life is to complete your Intake Form when you join so I can learn more about your situation, then we’ll get booked in for your first 1:1 session.
That gives us a chance to co-create a perfect plan for you to start or restart your language without getting overwhelmed or wasting your time on resources/activities etc that aren’t actually that helpful for you at this stage.
You Don’t Need to Buy Any Other Resource
Binge buying resources is another thing you don’t need before Language Life.
Former Language Life client of mine, Jaqi absolutely amazed me when she told me she’d created her own language courses.
When Jaqi joined Language Life, one of the first things she told me was how she’d “accumulated more and more bright, shiny books and courses to make the ‘sitting down and learning’ more attractive” but they just sat on her shelves in their lovely shininess and she admired them from afar.
Sound familiar?
You’ll be surprised at just how much access to language resources you already have.
Over the course of our time together in Language Life, Jaqi sorted through all her existing resources, scrapped what was outdated or uninteresting to her, and compiled what she knew she’d be interested in into her own personalised language course.
And she did this multiple times over – for French, German, and Spanish.
She literally created her own language courses. She knows how to best use them because of everything she learnt in Language Life. And she didn’t need to spend another penny on language resources.
You Don’t Need to Wait to Be a Certain Level
Language Life teaches you how to learn languages better.
If you think you need to wait until you’re A2 or B1 or C1 or whatever before joining to get the most from it, you’re limiting yourself.
There isn’t a certain level of language that you need before Language Life.
If you’ve already got quite a high level in a language, chances are you think back to the beginning and there’s plenty you’d do differently.
When you join Language Life early in your language learning journey, you save yourself countless hours of confusion and stress frantically Googling how to learn vocab, memorise grammar, and speak more.
Because Language Life isn’t focused on one specific language, there’s absolutely no need to wait until you’re a certain level before joining, because I’ve designed the program to be suitable across any language and any level.
This works because unlike a language specific program, what you learn doesn’t get knotted up in needing to know one thing before another.
Everything you learn in Language Life can be understood independently without needing to reach a certain language level first.
Language Life client Leora started the program with a strong level in a number of languages including Polish, Hebrew and Spanish.
Over the time we’ve worked together, she’s learnt some Norwegian and Portuguese too. And both times, she’s been able to submit her questions to the Language Life Question Bank.
The Question Bank is our private podcast feed where I answer your unlimited questions.
It’s also the place where we can get into language specifics, especially if you’re new to a language, and as Leora herself told me recently, she’s always impressed with my knowledge and personalised responses for those language specific questions!
I may not be fluent in every language in the world, but I’m fluent in how language learning works, which resources are actually worth your time, and can translate the jargon so you’ll feel confident with that new language.
So no, you don’t need to be a certain level before joining, because I’m always in the program to support you at any level, and it’s never too soon to learn how to learn languages.
You Need An Open Mind
If you think you’ve already got all the answers or you aren’t willing to try a new approach to language learning, then you’ll be wasting your time with Language Life.
An open mind is an essential need before Language Life.
People get the most from the program when they have an open mind.
When you’re willing to experiment with new approaches to your languages, to reflect on yourself, and to make changes going forward.
You Need To Be Learning (Or About To Learn) A Language
This one might seem obvious but the main reason I’m mentioning it here is because you don’t need to be a certain level or have X number of years experience before joining Language Life.
Even if you’re about to start learning a language, Language Life is a good choice.
As long as you’re learning a language (or about to start), then you’ll benefit from the program.
Any level, any language, learning a language is obviously a need before Language Life.
Your amount of experience, your level, the languages you’re learning…that doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you’re learning languages.
You Need to Want Languages to Be Flexible, Functional, and Fun
If you’re happy with your language learning being boring and stale, rigid and inflexible, or just plain and simply not working, then don’t join Language Life.
On the other hand, if you’re ready for languages to become something that’s consistently flexible, functional, and fun, then you’ll love it.
Wanting your languages to be flexible, functional and fun is a need before Language Life because that’s what they’ll become with the program.
It’s one of the core goals I have for clients who join the program because it’s the thing that actually makes things quick and easy, and I know that’s what you’re after.
Perhaps you don’t really care about language learning like you get the (correct!) impression that I do!
That’s ok.
Languages don’t need to be your ‘life’ for Language Life to be beneficial.
You just need to want it to quick, easy, breezy, and a joyful part of your life. That could mean it’s something you do and see results from and that’s it.
It could mean for you that it is something you spend lots of time exploring.
Flexible, functional, and fun will look different for everybody.
You don’t need to follow someone else’s method to make that work.
All you need is to want that, and Language Life will help you find it, your way.
Join Language Life
If you want to avoid giving up your language learning when it gets hard to fit in, too complicated, or just plain boring, Language Life can help.
In Language Life, you’ll learn how to learn languages in the best ways for you.
The combination of Self-Study Library, Support & Feedback, and Regular Practice is everything you need to make language learning easier and more enjoyable than ever.