Speak with confidence,
trust your language gut,
and master your learning process.

A 12 month language coaching program that actually
makes language learning quick & easy.

Want to finally learn that language in 2025?

Watch your video training below:

Black Friday Bonuses Available for Limited Time -
Language Learning Audit!


Get my expert eyes on your language learning so we can iron out any creases before 2025.

You tell me where you’re at right now with your language learning and I’ll curate your personal Language Learning Audit to help you make things even better.

So you can focus on learning that language in the right way for you.

This would be a great thing to get booked in for December – make the most of that end of year energy to prepare to start strong for next year!

Black Friday Bonuses Available for Limited Time -
The Rest of 2024 FREE!


6 weeks extra to get warmed up and acquainted with the program before kicking off in the New Year.

Or 6 weeks extra to dive in and get started binging lessons right away if that’s your thing!

Bonus Available for Limited Time -
1:1 Personal Support Week!

New in Language Life...

I’m always working to improve Language Life and there’s plenty of good stuff coming soon!

Here’s the latest updates this year…

🎧 Trust Your Language Gut Experience (✨ NEW!)

When you trust your language gut, you’re able to slow things down if you need, ask for someone to repeat or say things another way, and respond with what feels right.

Over 12 days, you’ll learn…

🥰 The skills to cultivate that will help you trust your language gut

💁‍♀️ What to leave behind- think anxiety, powerlessness and their pesky chums (& how to let go of them)

🤓 Skills that will help in all areas of life.

And because I know you’re busy, it’s an audio experience.

So each day you’ve got a short audio (or transcript if you prefer!) to listen to on the go (they’re uploaded to our Language Life exclusive private podcast feed too!)

💻 This Week in Language Life Dashboard (✨ NEW!)

Each week in Language Life, you get new Prompts, Weekly Wins, and more.

This dashboard is built to help you to keep in the loop of what’s new each week with one easy glance.

🗨️ Prompt Generator (✨ NEW!)

If you’re going through a phase of lots of writing and speaking practice, you’ll never run out of ideas with the new Prompt Generator!

One click gives you something new to write or speak about.

💪 Challenge Generator (✨ NEW!)

There’s over 150 challenges that could show when you click the button.

Don’t like the sound of a challenge? No worries, click the button again for another!

When you complete 5 Challenges, you’ve achieved a Language Life Milestone! Yay!

Recent Upgrades in Language Life...

I’ve been hard at work this year upgrading the program in various ways so it’s an even better experience for you & helps you make fluent happen. 

Here’s the upgrades you get…

🎥 Video Lessons (✨ UPDATED!)

There’s 12 Chapters in the Self-Study Library. Each Chapter has 3 Lessons with a small number of short, bite-sized video lessons.

Subtitles are available in English & 10 additional languages, and printable PDF transcripts are available too. I’ve upgraded the content & quality of these videos, including dividing them into more bite-sized lessons for you.

📒 Workbooks (✨ UPDATED!)

Each Chapter has it’s own Workbook. The Workbooks are fully digital & can easily be accesses and edited online, as well as saved for offline use. And, of course, if you prefer, you can print them too!

💪 Make Fluent Happen: Language Life In a Nutshell (🥳 NEW!)

This new video guide gives you the core principles of Language Life in just 20 minutes. So you can get started on your own language upgrades in as long as it takes to watch an episode of The Office. 

💬 Speak 28×28 Challenge (🥳 NEW!)

This popular Challenge helps you develop a Solo Speaking Habit in just 28 days. It’s ready inside Language Life for you as and when you need it.

Recent Upgrades in Language Life...

🎥 Video Lessons (✨ UPDATED!)

📒 Workbooks (✨ UPDATED!)

💪 Make Fluent Happen: Language Life In a Nutshell (🥳 NEW!)

💬 Speak 28×28 Challenge (🥳 NEW!)

There's a better way to learn languages.

It starts with learning how to learn them.

When you learn how to learn a language...

better understanding of your process

quicker & easier progress

the calm speaking confidence you crave

transferable skills for life.


Move your family to France

Impress your Indonesian in-laws

Travel Thailand with ease

Chat to your Nepali neighbours

Study abroad in Spain

Accept that dream job in Japan

Speaking confidently is easy now...

“My biggest win has to be realising how much I get out of creative writing and speaking! I didn’t see myself as creative in that way – but I find it so much fun. Another one is my speaking habit – I’ve now done solo speaking for over 40 days! This has really helped my confidence and ease of speaking.” — Alex
Lindsay reading dictionary with language books piled on the floor

Does language learning ever feel harder than it should?

It's often the best language learners that tell themselves this.

The smart, ambitious ones who are determined to learn. The ones who often end up exhausted and overwhelmed after blocking themselves with their own myths.

You’re stuck telling yourself you don’t have time, you’re wasting the time you do have, and that it should be quicker and easier than it often feels.

You go through phases where motivation is high – you book the lessons, buy the books… And then feel guilty three weeks later when you miss a day & lose your app streak.

There’s a worry in the back of your mind that language learning is becoming a chore and a bore. After a full day at work – how are you ever supposed to make it fun?

You’re seeing success everywhere else in your life. So why is language learning this hard?


You're not bad at languages.


You just need some tweaks.
The good news?
All languages can be learnt through the same repeatable principles & processes.
Let me show you how inside Language Life.
Here's how we do it...

Language Life Structure - Self-Study Library Human Support and Feedback Regular Practice

With these three elements, you gain the knowledge & skills needed to be ready for any language you want or need to learn.

This can be your new normal instead...

Lindsay holding language phrasebooks in one hand and smiling

Learn any language you want or need on demand.

You’ll never need to hire a tutor again. Say goodbye to binge buying resources or panic cramming vocab too.

Become the best multilingual version of yourself.

You can learn & use multiple languages at the same time. You’re not missing a magic gene. You do have the skills.

Lindsay in front of world map laughing straight on

Make 'fluent someday' happen today.

You don’t need to keep putting off what you know will bring you so much joy & potential. No more waiting for ‘the right time’.

"Language Life is great, especially if you want to focus on learning a language outside of regular classes. Lindsay is very kind and encouraging, and monthly reviews mean you get accountability."
Language Life member


Stop stressing about not being "a language person"

Make language learning quick & easy

(just like the book cover promised but never quite delivered…!)

Get expert support to finally learn that language

Have space for other activities, hobbies, and passions

(without feeling guilty for not doing enough on your languages)

Open up more time to travel & use your language IRL

Lindsay sat on suitcase with book pile and smile


BBC Ideas Logo

So...why learn this with me?

Hey, I'm Lindsay.

And I do languages. I’m on a mission to teach the world how to become fluent in any language. And we do it without you having more lists of vocab, or grammar jargon thrown your way. Working with me, you’ll learn how to become fluent in any language by learning how to learn languages.

I’ve recently completed my MA in Applied Linguistics and spent the past 2 decades plus of my life learning languages. So I know a thing or two about how to do this thing.

When I’m not sharing how to learn languages on the internet, I’m trying new-to-me sports (because being a beginner is the best!), hunting down old language books, and playing with my tortoise Gonzo (who speaks a grand total of zero languages).

The Language Life impact...

I viewed my language learning as work. Without it, I may have thrown in the towel.

— Jane

We make good stuff happen...

A miracle happened – I learnt grammar is my friend!

— Emma

Speaking made easy...

WOOHOO! I reached my milestone of speaking Polish with 12 different people! This has greatly helped my speaking ability.

— Leora

Finally learn how to become fluent in any language.

I’m so excited to introduce you to:

Language Life blends Language Life Library, Human Support & Feedback, and Regular Practice so you can learn languages your way.

Everything you get inside
Language Life.

Language Life Library.

Everything you need to know about how to learn a language is here. Say hello to your new favourite bookmark on your browser.

The 12 Chapters of the Library give you a full understanding of language learning.

Your best ways to apply everything you know come from the accompanying workbook and activities to get you thinking and doing.

And yes, you can keep learning languages at the same time. In fact, it’s encouraged.

See the full Library contents breakdown here.

Question Bank Private Podcast.

No overwhelm of Zoom calls to add to your already packed calendar.

Instead, get your questions answered and saved for quick and easy reference in our private Question Bank.

It’s super simple. Submit your question when it comes up for you, I’ll record my answer and share this in our private podcast feed exclusive for Language Life members.

Those questions get saved in our Question Bank so it’s easy to check back over past questions from yourself and other members and catch up on exactly what you missed.

Transcripts provided in addition to the audio answers.

The Personal Feedback.

It can be difficult to know if you’re going in the right direction or down a dead end path. 

The answer? Regular review. And in Language Life, you get personal feedback on your reviews and upcoming goals to help plan for what’s next.

Reflect honestly and submit your monthly language review. I share my personalised feedback with you so you’ve got everything you need to adjust your language goals for the coming month.

You also get the chance for 1:1 check-ins when you complete each Chapter of the Self-Study Library.

And extra 1:1 support is waiting for you with every Milestone you complete during your time in Language Life.

The Writing & Speaking Prompts.

Avoid overwhelm and head straight to Language Life to discover something new and fun to get you practising that language for yourself.

A variety of new writing and speaking prompts are yours regularly to inspire you to consistently produce the language.

Our How to Use Any Prompt At Any Level Workshop gives you all the guidance you need to make it work for any language, regardless of if you’re a beginner, there’s a different writing system, or it’s a language commonly considered ‘difficult’.

The more you write and speak for yourself, the better you get at languages. Simple.

The Language Challenges.

And monthly, you get a brand new Challenge Bingo Card!

Complete with 6 new mini challenges, this is a great way to spark something new with your languages.

Plus, completing Challenges gets you closer to achieving one of your Language Life Milestones!

In addition, there’s the hugely popular Speak 28×28 Challenge, that gets you speaking more fluently & confidently in just 4 weeks by developing a Solo Speaking Habit.

The Community Elements.

First up is our Member Directory, so you can easily connect directly to other Language Life folk with similar languages & interests to you.

It doesn’t end there. Every week, submit your Weekly Wins to collectively earn live sessions & other rewards!

We have no regular Zoom calls to clog your calendar, but connect for more meaningful sessions to discuss the big language topics, study new things together and more. 

This includes quarterly Cosy Chats, where we discuss relevant and insightful language topics, and monthly Dabblers’ Den, where we learn a new language in one hour.

PLUS: Your VIP Pass.

Lifetime Access to All My
Workshops & Mini Courses.

From the day you join Language Life, you get full access to EVERYTHING I have available for language learners!

That’s Successful Self-Study, 100 Creative Ideas for Solo Language Learners, Music Maestro, Vibrant Vocab, The Solo Language Learner Planner, and Watch & Learn.

You also get Promptly access during your time inside Language Life too!

Speak 28x28 Challenge.

The hugely popular Speak 28×28 Challenge is exclusive to Language Life.

This 28 day challenge gets you speaking more fluently & confidently in just 4 weeks by developing a Solo Speaking Habit.

Every day you get a short video lesson & prompt to help build your speaking confidence.

VIP Tickets to All My
Workshops & Mini Courses.

As long as you’re a Language Life member, you get free access to all my workshops and mini courses hosted or created during that time. So you can be sure you’re getting the very latest language learning advice and never missing anything.

See inside Language Life...

When we work together, amazing things happen.

“The best thing about Language Life is hands down the support with Lindsay.”

The best thing about Language Life hands down is the support and conversations with Lindsay.

The Self-Study Library is really good and gets you thinking; the conversations after each Chapter help you figure it out for your own personal context and make it work. She’s also really energising and fun to chat with!

There are many more less obvious bonuses as well, such as the weekly prompts, which are an ongoing source of fresh creativity and motivation.

— Alex

“There's a marked difference between past me and me now.”

There is a marked difference between Heidi of the past, who stressed about so much, and Heidi of now who’s like “I’m gonna keep trying and keep learning and making it a part of my life!”

— Heidi

“I saw progress in my self-awareness, planning, and language creation.”

I saw progress in my self-awareness, planning, Maori language creation and more fluidity and creativeness in my Spanish language creation.

The process of doing a monthly review and having some feedback really helped with my self-awareness. This in combination with the goals, balance, motivation chapters helped me plan better and work with myself better.

— Alex

“ON FIRE this month!!”

Thanks to you I found one new tool that made this month so fun and fulfilling. I feel productive, energised, and happy.

— Leora

“A slow month doesn't stop me anymore!”

The program was helpful for keeping me moving forward and not letting a slow month snowball into stopping all activity.

It was overall helpful for learning how to diagnose what you want to get out of your language learning and finding concrete ways to implement those changes.

— Katie

“I put an end to my 15 year rocky relationship with Thai.”

The most memorable win, in terms of my mindset shift, was to put an end to my 15-year negative and rocky relationship with the Thai language.

— Rebecca

Here's what's in the Library.

Chapter 1.

Ever felt unsure you’re going in the right direction? Want to set goals that actually work at last? 

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 2.

Sweaty palms & weak knees? Ready to finally focus on what you need for YOUR speaking?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 3. Habits.

Can’t make any habit attempt stick? Up for lasting habits that lead to success?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 4. People.

Paid for yet another tutor that didn’t get your learning style? Ready for better connections?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 5. Vocabulary.

Struggling to recall vocab? Want to stop worrying about remembering words for good?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 6. Motivation.

Ever found yourself demotivated to keep going? Like the sound of unshakeable motivation?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 7. Reading.

Avoiding reading for fear of not understanding? Want to enjoy reading more? 

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 8. Listening.

Freeze when someone speaks to you? After improved listening skills to communicate better?

In this module, you’ll learn: 

Chapter 9. Grammar.

Bogged down by conjugations, cases & clauses? Wish it was a little more…well, fun?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 10.

Reached a plateau & overwhelmed with the multiple languages you want to learn? Ready to calmly & confidently find balance?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 11. Writing.

Feeling guilty for leaving writing behind? Curious if it’s actually worth your time & energy?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Chapter 12.
Integrate & Discover.

Do your languages feel separate from the rest of your life? Want to finally lead a life full of language joy?

In this module, you’ll learn:

Inside The Self-Study Library.

(Check this page on a computer or email me for full details!)

Ready to go?
Time to learn languages your way.

Join Language Life.

Your Feedback Will Be Here Soon.

1 month in...

Katie joined Language Life with both feet firmly in Camp Multiple Languages! Her languages include French, Norwegian, Korean, Hebrew, Spanish & Portuguese. After just a few weeks inside Language Life, Katie very quickly learnt how to plan for her different languages & levels allowing space for their individual needs.

“It's a great opportunity to make something special happen.”

I was at a point where I felt like I had to level-up or stop telling myself I was really going to do this Irish thing. It’s a great opportunity to make something special happen.

– Erinn

3 months in...

Evelina knew there were differences between how she found each language. After just 3 months, she noticed more speaking confidence in French from new methods learnt inside Language Life. Evelina also gained an improved approach to goal setting that she’ll take forward to make even better with practice.

“This is a fantastic program! I'm proud of the changes I've made.”

This is a fantastic program to build good habits and keep your learning on track, no matter how busy your life is! I am proud of constantly thinking about what I can do for my language learning, and being able to come back to it quickly.

– Audrey

3 months in...

When Erinn joined Language Life, she felt like she was spinning her wheels. She couldn’t tell if she was making progress (or what to do to make sure she did actually make progress). After just 3 months, Erinn told me her consistency was way better than ever before.

“Working with Lindsay has been invaluable.”

Language Life has been such an amazing asset to my language learning! Working with Lindsay to guide me and give me a new perspective on how to learn effectively and when to be kind to myself has been invaluable.

– Katy

3 months in...

Alex joined Language Life feeling demotivated & lost, spending so much time with languages but not learning much. After just 3 months together, they noticed huge mindset shifts. They now have goals, habits and structure. AND they know how to use resources, meaning they don’t need to pay for expensive courses anymore.

“It was an eye-opener.”

The Speaking Types in the Speaking Chapter were an eye opener. Since I am learning 2 languages, and I think I previously thought I was utilizing the same strategies, but I was simply more advanced in one. But now I see the benefits for different approaches.

– Jane

There's some things you should know.

I’m not about a quick buck or selling anything half-baked over here.

That’s why when you join Language Life, I reach out with your Intake Form right away to make sure you’re in the right place.

And, hey, to save us all some time, it’s worth outlining our core values here so you can decide if Language Life is a good fit for you.

1. I respect your time.

I value you and your time. That’s why Language Life is streamlined to be as impactful as possible whilst also fitting into your life.

Your success with this program depends on your own efforts and commitment to the program. I cannot and do not guarantee any specific result. By joining this program you acknowledge you understand and agree to this.

2. We value drives towards equality.

Where you are from and which languages you speak should not impact the opportunities you get in life. Unfortunately, it still does. But until it doesn’t, we can work together towards a more equal world.

At Lindsay Does Languages, we believe that Black Lives Matter; LGBTQ+ rights are human rights; and indigenous languages, people, and cultures deserve equal treatment. With us on that? Let’s work together.

3. Sustainable in every sense.

We value sustainable language learning over unrealistic goals that make a catchy blog title. No false promises or “10 days to C2” over here. 

Yes, you’ll become fluent in any language on demand, but in your own way – not forced into one prescriptive system. I’m all about finding lasting ways to learn a language that work for you.

That sustainability crosses over into our environmental values too. We’re conscious to minimise our impact on this one planet.

The Language Life program has been designed to be consumed as much as possible digitally. You are welcome to print the workbooks, but you can also access & complete them digitally. 

Still got a question?

Language Life is for ambitious language learners who want to become fluent. You’ll learn how to do this in any language on demand.

Whether you’re learning French, Spanish or both, you’re welcome. Language Life is ‘language-agnostic’!

You’ll learn the Language Life process once and never need to hire a tutor, binge buy books, or panic cram vocab again.

You might be a recovering perfectionist, experienced dabbler or a total newbie. Whichever sounds most like you, this is for you. 

Not necessarily, but I’ve found most people joining Language Life do have some language learning experience.

Don’t let that put you off though if you consider yourself a beginner! In Language Life, I don’t to teach you a language explicitly – I teach you how to learn a language. And that’s valuable at any level of experience.

If you have any questions or concerns about your language levels, email me at lindsay@doeslanguages.com and we can discuss this and help you decide if it’s right for you.

Overall, I estimate around 30 minutes a week to include everything.

I know you’re busy. This isn’t about joining something, getting overwhelmed, and never making time to go back to it.

The Self-Study Library videos total around 9 hours.

How you divide that is up to you.

It could be binged right when you join over a couple of weeks, or it could be spread out across 12 months – so less than an hour each month.

The Support is literally a couple of minutes each time to submit your updates/questions.

The Regular Practise is very much up to you! So you may opt to spend a couple of minutes a day on a speaking prompt, or focus in more on one prompt for half an hour or so when you have more time. 

Language Life isn’t me throwing more vocab and grammar at you and leaving you to figure out how to use it for yourself (sometimes leading to variable results).

Language Life teaches you how to learn a language, as well as providing the necessary support and motivation throughout our time together to get you actively using and learning the language on a regular basis.

So you will learn languages as a result of your time in Language Life.


The Self-Study Library in Language Life is exclusive to this program.

Successful Self-Study covers a lot less ground & in no way goes as deep as Language Life. There’s also no support in Successful Self-Study.

With Language Life, you get the full package – exclusive Self-Study Library, Human Support and Feedback, and Regular Practice.

Nope – not *just* speaking!

Of course, speaking is a huge part of using a language but that’s not all. If you focus just on speaking, you end up with wonky language skills that will serve you well only a fraction of the time.

Rather than setting you up that way, Language Life is designed for the well-rounded language learner. Besides, building confidence and ability with other skills such as listening, reading and writing will have an overall positive impact on your speaking.

So if it’s speaking you want, you’ll get that, but you’ll also get a better chance at lasting language skills for the long term.

Language Life is unlike anything I’ve seen available to language learners before.

Most options focus on either teaching you a specific language, or on giving you a very specific one-size-fits-all method to follow. Seeing as we’re all unique and learn differently, you’ll have a problem there.

Language Life, on the other hand, is the combination of the exclusive Self-Study Library with Human Support & Feedback, and Regular Practice. This combined with my experience as a learner, teacher, and coach makes for a unique program to actually become fluent in any language on demand.


The vast majority of my personal language learning has involved learning more than one at once.

And many Language Life members are learning multiple languages too. 

There’s a Lesson specifically for learners of multiple languages too, where you’ll learn my Multiple Language Models to make things easier and quicker than ever.


During our 12 months together in Language Life, there’ll inevitably be moments where “life” is happening and taking over…and that’s good! 

I want you to have me & Language Life on your side to work through those moments as they happen, so you’re prepared to handle it down the line on your own after you complete the program. 

With a shorter time inside Language Life, sure, it’s possible to take in the whole program (at quite a rushed pace), but there’s no follow up time to review, revisit, and put everything into action whilst still getting the support and feedback you’ll be wanting from me. 

So Language Life is 12 months to avoid you getting stuck ‘high and dry’! 

Language Life is an investment for life, not just the time we work together.

Within 14 days of purchase, you have the right to cancel. However, this will lose you access to the program, any bonuses, and all future updates of this product.

If within 14 days, you decide Language Life isn’t right for you & you’ve not learnt anything new after completing 100% of the available content, then you need to let me know so we can discuss why that is and if there’s anything I can do to ensure that the program fits your needs. If it still isn’t right, then a partial refund would be granted upon providing sufficient feedback as to why. This helps me refine the messaging to avoid people having to go through the refund process in the future – obviously it’s not fun for anyone!

Why partial refund? To account for the downloadable digital content you gain instant access to & the administration and delivery costs incurred to that point. 

Please note – to offer you the highest refundable amount, the first Chapters of the Self-Study Library are dripped weekly until day 15 inside Language Life.

To help avoid refunds in the first place, let’s talk. If you have any questions before joining, be sure to email me at lindsay@doeslanguages.com and we can make sure joining is the right decision for you. So you can join fully confident and ready to go!

Look out for an email from me & you’ll get instant access to the start of the Self-Study Library.

Step one is completing your Intake Form. Then I’ll personally reach out to ensure you’re fully onboarded & in the loop of how everything works.

I asked Language Life members:
What would you say to people considering joining?
Here's some of their answers...

Lindsay has a lot of good tips and condenses her years of study into easy to follow lessons with plenty of practical actions in the middle. There's plenty more to get at too and it's inspiring and motivating stuff.
Do it. You will be surprised at how Language Life pushes you to improve any target language, from beginner to advanced. You will get a realistic perspective of your progress, invaluable confidence, and an overwhelming sense of ownership and control over your language learning process.
Do it! I cannot recommend Lindsay and Language Life enough! Language Life has proved to be the best and most valuable step in helping me see the woods for the trees in regards to my language learning journey!
Katy B
It's great, especially if you want to focus on learning a language outside of regular classes. Lindsay is very kind and encouraging, and monthly reviews means you get accountability.
My approach to learning a language is much more effective... and fun! I have picked up numerous tips for improving how I approach speaking, reading, listening to and writing Finnish. The shame of making mistakes has been replaced by self-compassion and self-belief. Lindsay is a talented guide, genuinely committed to providing support no matter what stage you are at.
Lindsay is great--she's a wealth of knowledge and experience and if she doesn't already know the answer she knows where to find out the answer!
Language Life is a fantastic program that will help you be equipped with the tools you need to start or continue to learn any language you want in the long run. You'll have multiple opportunities to ask Lindsay any questions you may have since she has been very supportive of my language journey throughout my time in Language Life!
Even if you're a confident language learner, there's a lot to learn from the lessons and especially from the live interactions. This program can level-up your ability to structure your language learning and strategize learning across several languages. It was overall helpful for learning how to diagnose what you want to get out of your language learning and finding concrete ways to implement those changes.
Katie H
If you are curious about expanding your language learning experience and you want a structure around which to create your own personal language course, you could not make a better investment than Lindsay’s Language Life.

Speak with confidence,
trust your language gut,
and master your learning process.