It can feel like a huge commitment to sign up for something like Language Life. Here’s how to make Language Life worth it.

It can feel like a huge commitment to sign up for something like Language Life. Here's how to make Language Life worth it.

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How to Make Language Life Worth It

Take in the Self-Study Library

I know it can be overwhelming to wonder if you’ll have time to fit the Self-Study Library in. I assure you, you’ll do it!

First up, start with a plan – when you join Language Life, your Roadmap can be adjusted for a 3, 6 or 12 month timeline depending on how quickly you want to absorb the Library.

Once your plan is in place, there’s a few things you should know that have been included to make the Library easy to take in.

The video lessons were freshly recorded and split into bitesize lessons in 2024. That means that you can either binge everything or opt for smaller lessons to fit into moments throughout your day.

And because the hub can be accessed via a mobile app as well as desktop browser, you’re good to go on the run too.

All Video Lessons have downloadable transcripts available and can be watched on 2x speed, you don’t need to worry about missing out.

Each Video Lesson comes with subtitles in a minimum of 6 languages (usually 11), there’s extra language practice to be had as well!

All of these features have been included to help you make Language Life worth it.

Download the Workbooks

The Workbooks are where you put into action everything you learn in the Video Lessons.

I’ve joined courses and programs before where the Workbooks are just fluffy PDFs with more graphic design going into them than substance. Language Life Workbooks are not that!

There’s a Workbook for each Chapter of the Self-Study Library, so no need to worry about overwhelm of a massive empty workbook when you first join! We’ll fill them gradually!

I highly recommend that to make Language Life worth it, you don’t just watch the Video Lessons but also download the Workbooks.

The Workbooks are printable, editable online and offline, and give you a chance to reflect on your own language learning before applying what you learn from the Video Lessons.

Multiple people have told me I should write a book after they’ve seen and worked through these Workbooks!

The Workbooks are the lifeblood of the program and will become a reference point for all your language questions long after your time in Language Life is over. (Yes, I’m not ashamed to say I actually refer to them myself all the time too!)

Ask Unlimited Questions

You could join Language Life just for the Self-Study Library. Watch the videos, do the workbooks…and you’d learn a lot for sure.

But the uniqueness and personalisation of the program really comes when you ask unlimited questions.

In Language Life, questions get answered via the Question Bank, our private podcast feed with an easy to navigate bank of previous questions and episodes.

And there’s truly no limit to how many questions you can ask! Asking everything on your mind makes Language Life worth it!

This is where your big questions like ‘How can I remember pronunciation for similar looking words in different languages?’ get answered alongside the personal and specific – questions like ‘Should I use “correct” or vernacular French to get people to speak more slowly?’

And, yes, those are both real examples of questions I’ve already answered! Because it’s so easy to navigate the Question Bank, you can be hearing my answers within minutes of joining Language Life.

Without the chance to ask unlimited questions, you’d miss out on essential support and personalisation, which is something Language Life client Leora loves about the program.

She told me “In this private podcast feed and you have the benefit of her wisdom and her research and everything. You can listen to it whenever you want and then you can access it again.

I find it interesting to listen to all the questions, not just my question, you know, because other people have interesting questions too.”

Book All Your 1:1 Time

Language Life is best described as a hybrid program! It’s not explicitly a group program in the sense that you’re buddied up and forced to hang out with lots of people. But there are community elements if you chose to engage with them including a Member Directory.

Equally it’s not completely a 1:1 program, because the Self-Study Library and the Practice happens solo.

However, there are regular moments throughout when you get the option for 1:1 check ins with me.

At the end of each Chapter in the Self-Study Library, and when you complete Milestones, you can book in for 1:1 time with me.

I selfishly love this bit of the program, because I love learning more about your language learning and figuring out in real time what we can tweak to make things more effective for you.

Right now, I don’t offer 1:1 time like this anywhere else, so Language Life is the only place to get this kind of feedback from me. Taking advantage of the 1:1 time is a great way to make Language Life worth it.

Having studied an ever-growing double-figure list of languages at this point, as well as completed my MA in Applied Linguistics, you’ll be getting expert eyes and ears on your very own situation.

No cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all ‘methods’ and ‘systems’ over here!

Use the Prompts

One of the best ways to make Language Life worth it, especially in the long run, is to use the Writing and Speaking Prompts to develop regular writing and speaking habits.

Every week in Language Life, you get a brand new set of 7 different prompts, which means there’s enough to create something new each day if you wanted to.

There’s no pressure though! As you can totally focus on just one each week if you prefer and lean in to that to create something bigger.

You also get access to Promptly, which takes one of these weekly prompts and offers multiple suggestions for how to use it at any level & a video walkthrough too.

The biggest gap for most language learners I work with is practice. And it’s not like they don’t know this! It’s just that practice is boiled down to repetitive grammar drills and monotonous monologues.

Prompts make practice fun again.

Because with prompts, you inspire yourself.

One prompt can provoke countless writing and speaking practices – it’s all about which way you go with it on any given day, which means it’ll always be different and always keep you excited to practice more.

Join Language Life

If you want to avoid giving up your language learning when it gets hard to fit in, too complicated, or just plain boring, Language Life can help.

In Language Life, you’ll learn how to learn languages in the best ways for you.

The combination of Self-Study Library, Support & Feedback, and Regular Practice is everything you need to make language learning easier and more enjoyable than ever.