All promising “the” way to learn vocab with minimal effort. All failing to deliver for you.
Because you don’t look forward to learning more when you can’t even remember the words you’re “supposed” to know so far.
At the amount of words in those piles of vocab notebooks and flashcards that you can’t remember.
When you make your vocabulary iconic, you automatically give yourself a better chance of remembering what you learn.
There’s base resources & your own specific vocabulary that you’ll learn intentionally. It’s time to move beyond obligatory streaks.
Just because you’re not actively learning doesn’t mean those words have to be lost. It doesn’t mean you have to learn them either.
With Vibrant Vocab, you’ll be learning words sustainably so you can remember and use words when you need them. (No more unrealistic ‘700 words a week’ goals!)
And when you can’t remember the right word in a situation? I’ve got you covered. You’ll also be equipped with the workarounds for those pesky few words that just won’t stick. (Hey, we’ve all got them!)
And how to use this new knowledge to help you learn words.
And all the different ways that can be applied for your way of learning.
So you can communicate without waiting to learn aaaaalll the words.
And you know what? It’s not our fault. Here’s why we all struggle with vocab…
In school, if you’re anything like me, you got given a list of words each week. At the end of the week, it’s test time.
What happens between the list landing in your hands and that test? Up to you.
Which meant you probably sat and wrote the words out again and again and again. Read them aloud again and again.
Maybe even recorded them onto your massive MP3 player and listening on repeat all night. Just me for that last one?
And then as an adult, chances are you’ve tried an app or two.
And each one has promised spectacular feats of memory and…underdelivered.
It’s not that the school method or app ways are bad as such.
It’s more that there’s only so much they can help without us playing an active role there in the middle bit.
But I knew that with words kinda making up language and vocab being such a core element of successful language learning, I needed a new approach.
That’s what Vibrant Vocab is all about: equipping you with the knowledge to fill that gap with smart vocab learning that works for you.
You’re in the right place if…
You want vocab shame to be a thing of the past. Because screw that. You’re learning a language – that in itself is awesome.
You want to remember words easily without overly complicated repetition systems. We don’t want to be repeating them 3 times in the mirror with a candle at midnight. We’re not trying to summon Bloody Mary here.
You’re ready to learn vocab efficiently. Even more efficiently than you imagine those people with the Moleskine diaries and pastel highlighters on Instagram do. Heck yeah.
Here’s what’s included…
On-demand video lessons. So can you catch up on your time. Complete with subtitles.
Workshop Workbook in Notion. So you’ve got a full reference of the class.
Vocabulary Hub in Notion. To organise your words in one place.
Due to the digital nature of this product, I am unable to accept refund requests for any reason.
Should you not be satisfied with your purchase, please do reach out within 30 days and we can discuss options to rectify that. I will request detailed feedback from you to help ensure the future messaging for the product is even better.
The great thing about Vibrant Vocab is that it’s completely digital. This means that you don’t need to wait twiddling your thumbs by the letterbox. Instead, you get instant access to everything when you buy. Yay!
Nope! You’ll be taking what works for you from the course. So no obligation to go out and buy lots of vocab notebooks or app subscriptions! Pick what works and leave what doesn’t – no obligations to buy anything else to get started.
I’m not about throwing stuff at you to overwhelm you and make you feel pressured. You’re doing enough right now.
Instead, after completing my MA in Applied Linguistics along with over 2+ decades of language learning, I care much more about sharing linguistics knowledge that you can apply to your language learning. The kind of knowledge that unlocks new ideas for you.
Vibrant Vocab is perfect for smart, independent language learners who aren’t new to language learning and are ready to learn how words work to finally learn vocab once and for all.
P.S. We’ll have fun too. Because for too long this kind of high level knowledge has been kept behind the closed doors of academia. I’ve got the key. And you’re invited.