You know you need a combo of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
You know you need to learn vocab and understand some grammar.
But you also know that you’re not making the progress you wanted.
And that bugs you.
How can you make language learning better?
Learn how to learn a language. That’s how.
You’re never fully committing to any one language – there’s too many!
You’re beginning to wonder if there is a “magic language gene” after all
You’re so done with hearing that without immersion you can’t get fluent
You don’t have time to “go back to school”
You’ve started again 1, 2, 3, 17 times & always lost motivation
You’re really trying hard to learn that language!
I went to French club in primary school because we got croissants at the end of each term.
But when I found myself wanting to learn Spanish aged 13, suddenly French became…well, boring.
My motivation for languages had all poured into Spanish – but I still had years to go with French and exams to pass!
I wanted to know why my motivation was there for Spanish but not for French. And what I could do about it to still pass those French exams.
And in the process? I began to uncover the start of a lifelong journey of discovery: that learning how to learn languages would continually improve my actual language learning forever.
And that’s why I’m here to share the solution with you that makes language learning actually quicker and easier than ever before.
You have the confidence to speak to strangers in a foreign language.
You travel easy and relaxed, knowing that your lingo makes things a breeze.
You gain the balance between routine and spontaneity, giving language joy.
You're making consistent language progress and seeing the improvements.
I know you’ll still be wondering a year from now if you don’t join today – “Why am I still stuck? Why is this still hard? When will it get easier? Will it ever?”
That’s why you need the doubt-busting calm confidence that you get with Successful Self-Study on your side. Because Successful Self-Study isn’t about leaving you with more to learn. It’s about giving you the knowledge and the tools you need to move forward positively, trusting yourself that you know the best way to learn a language for yourself.
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I’m not here to try and convince you that learning how to learn a language is the new “method” or “system” that you absolutely need to learn a language. Because this is different. Understanding what you learn in Successful Self-Study informs those decisions you make. Decisions like…
Which resource to use to take your rusty French up a level.
What methods and systems you follow and what you happily ignore without nagging FOMO.
When to start Italian without sacrificing what you’ve already learned in Mandarin.
I teach smart language learners like you how to learn a language because Lindsay Does Languages recognises the importance of empowering others with knowledge rather than bombarding you with wordlists and content that’s only gonna stress you out further.
Successful Self-Study is perfect for language learners who are ready to take control and gain a newfound confidence with their language progress.
Here’s what’s included…
On-demand video lessons. So can you catch up on your time. Complete with subtitles.
Workshop Workbook in PDF format. So you’ve got a chance to take action.
Within 14 days of purchase, you have the right to a refund. However, this will lose you access to the program, bonuses, and all future updates of this product.
If within 14 days, you decide Successful Self-Study isn’t right for you & you’ve not learnt anything new after completing 100% of the available modules of the self-study curriculum, then you need to let me know so we can discuss why that is and if there’s anything I can do to ensure that the program fits your needs. If it still isn’t right, then a refund would be granted upon providing sufficient feedback as to why. This helps me refine the messaging to avoid people having to go through the refund process in the future – obviously it’s not fun for anyone!
Please note – the first modules of the curriculum are dripped weekly until day 15 inside Successful Self-Study. If you’re thinking of joining, downloading everything and then requesting a refund for questionable reasons, you’re not welcome here. I support independent businesses, and I know that the people I work with do the same.
To help avoid refunds in the first place, let’s talk. If you have any questions before joining, be sure to email me at lindsay@doeslanguages.com and we can make sure joining is the right decision for you. So you can join fully confident and ready to go!
The great thing about Successful Self-Study is that it’s completely digital. This means that you don’t need to wait twiddling your thumbs by the letterbox. Instead, you get instant access to everything when you buy. Yay!
Nope! You’ll be taking what works for you from the course. So no obligation to go out and buy lots of coursebooks or app subscriptions! Pick what works and leave what doesn’t – no obligations to buy anything else to get started.
The course is self-paced and you have access for the lifetime of the course from the date of joining.
It’s up to you how you take everything in so it’s hard to give an exact X hours per week number. However, Successful Self-Study has been designed to fit in around your current language learning, not to compete against it for attention or time. The 12 months you have access will be more than enough to to revisit the curriculum multiple times over if needed.
Nope! Whether you’re a complete newbie or a well-experienced learner, there’ll be something here for you to apply to your own language studies.
Successful Self-Study doesn’t teach you a language. Instead, it’s all about teaching you how to learn any language. This makes it an ideal companion for all language learners who want to learn better.