With so many things competing for your time and attention, it’s understandable if you’re wondering if now is the right time to join Language Life. Here’s some signs that now is the right time for it.

With so many things competing for your time and attention, it's understandable if you're wondering if now is the right time to join Language Life. Here's some signs that now is the right time for it.

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Is Now the Right Time to Join Language Life?

You’ve Hit a Plateau

Progress generally isn’t linear in language learning.

You probably already know this, but it probably doesn’t stop you from feeling frustrated when you hit a plateau.

If you find yourself making the same mistakes over and over, not noticing any signs of improvement, and generally feeling stuck, Language Life can help you move forward.

Everyone’s experience with Language Life is unique, because everyone’s language learning is unique.

This is why you get regular 1:1 opportunities to check in with me throughout the program, because I know there are some things you don’t want to ask on the private podcast feed and have other members hear.

When you’ve hit a plateau, simply book in for your next 1:1 check in and we’ll get to the bottom of it together so we can figure out the best way back to enjoying your languages again.

And if you’re at a plateau now, it’s definitely the right time to join Language Life.

You Struggle to Understand Native Speakers

There’s so many reasons we may struggle understanding native speakers.

Perhaps it’s a lack of practice, maybe you’re hearing a new accent or dialect for the first time, or maybe it’s a whole new topic and range of vocab you’re trying to decipher.

Whatever it is, if you find yourself struggling to understand native speakers consistently, then it’s the right time to join Language Life.

The Listening Chapter of the Self-Study Library introduces you to the Listening Success Factors & helps you develop a Listening Process.

The default advice if you struggle to understand people is just “Listen more!”, but that doesn’t get to the bottom of YOUR specific problem.

The Listening Success Factors help you do this. That means you’ll be able to focus on YOUR specific weaknesses rather than aimlessly “Listening more!” and hoping you magically get fluent.

And when you develop a Listening Process for yourself, you can apply it every time you listen so you feel safer, more grounded, and like you know what you’re doing. (No more getting hung up on one word as people speak and then ignoring the next 5 minutes of what they say!)

You’re Not Confident Speaking

The most common thing I hear from learners is that they have a lack of speaking confidence.

Again the default advice is “Speak more!”, but that does little to account for the human side of things.

The vulnerability we face when we speak a different language.

The anxiety that can grip us sometimes when we’re speaking to someone for the first time.

The shame that can build up if we ignore those feelings.

Speaking confidence doesn’t come with simply ‘speaking more’ and crossing your fingers it gets better.

It comes with addressing what’s holding you back, so you can safely and confidently move forward without that anxiety lingering in the background every time you speak.

If speaking is a struggle for you, it’s the right time to join Language Life.

I recommend starting with the Speak 28×28 Challenge inside Language Life.

Start your time in the program with the Challenge, and in just 1 month, you’ll have spoken (at least!) 28 times more than before, and have developed a Solo Speaking Habit.

Speaking practice doesn’t only mean an hour sat hunched over your desk with an online tutor anymore.

When we speak with anyone in another language, even a tutor, there’s an element of performance.

A Solo Speaking Habit is the best habit you can have if you want to speak more confidently.

It helps you strip the feeling that you’re performing, and simply practice more in a way that lets you explore new language risk-free.

The Idea of Language Life Feels Intense

Joining Language Life doesn’t mean languages have to be your ‘life’. It’s more about how to have languages in your life.

Because it’s not really for you if you consider languages to be “your life”.

When I was creating Language Life, I build out the program first, combining the self-study library, the direct support & feedback from me, and the opportunities for regular speaking practice.

The name actually came last!

As I created the program, I began to see so clearly just how impactful being fluent in another language can be on all areas of life.

Whether it’s gaining speaking confidence in a new language to move abroad, connecting deeper with your loved ones, or getting that promotion at work.

I realised that the skill of being able to learn any language on demand has far reaching impact across our lives.

And so, Unnamed-Awesome-Language-Program became Language Life! 

When you join Language Life, you’ll start with your Roadmap – figuring out a plan that fits the curriculum into your busy life.

So there’s no need for overwhelm, no need to be unclear on what’s next, and no need to be obsessed with languages already (although I can’t be held responsible if the last one is a side effect of the program!) 

It’s the right time to join ​Language Life if you want to create deeper relationships with people in travel, work & life.​

It doesn’t have to be (& shouldn’t be!) “your life”, because when you learn the process of language learning once inside the program, you’ll never need to worry about hiring a tutor, binge buying resources, or panic cramming vocab again.

You’ll simply be able to become fluent in any language on demand.

You Feel You Don’t Have Time

I can relate to how busy you are – same! I’ve always got lots of things I’m working on at the same time.

And I know that when just a couple of those feel ‘big’, it can leave you wondering if you have time to commit to something else.

Language Life isn’t designed to be a slog that’s a struggle to fit in.

The Self-Study Library videos are available on mobile app as well as web browser, the Workbooks are easy to download and use offline across devices, and your questions are answered on our private podcast feed that you can hear wherever you get your podcasts.

There’s no overwhelming number of live calls to try and fit in to your calendar – just a curated selection of actually useful sessions.

The support is primarily asynchronous, which means you can get expert feedback a times that suit you.

I’m always working to make sure the program is as easy to fit in as possible.

Join Language Life

If you want to avoid giving up your language learning when it gets hard to fit in, too complicated, or just plain boring, Language Life can help.

In Language Life, you’ll learn how to learn languages in the best ways for you.

The combination of Self-Study Library, Support & Feedback, and Regular Practice is everything you need to make language learning easier and more enjoyable than ever.