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Dabblers' Den is now closed!

So many languages, so little time.

Inside Dabblers' Den, you're invited to try them all.

Lindsay with headphones and podcast screen laughing at computer desk

Discover a new language every single month.

Lindsay writing in notebook in cafe with hot chocolate and laptop

Learn new ways with languages for quicker and easier fluency.

Lindsay holding language phrasebooks in one hand and smiling

Choose for yourself if and how you want to take it further.

Dabblers' Den is a must for all aspiring polyglots like you.

I'm Lindsay.

And I’m a proud language dabbler! 

Sure, there’s plenty of languages I’ve taken further (to degree level in some cases), but there’s so much joy in freely exploring languages without the pressure of fluency or perfection or grades. 

I created Dabblers’ Den to share that freedom to dabble & create a community where wanting to study multiple languages is celebrated, whether it leads to fluency or just fun. 

You are so welcome to join us!

How it works.

Free live language learning every month.

We pick a new language each month to learn.

We set a date for the live session.

We learn the language live together.

It's that simple.

Learn a new language every month for free.

Join Dabblers’ Den once and you’re automatically enrolled for every future event. 

You’ll be added to my email list so I can update you about the next Dabblers’ Den event, get your opinions on which languages we should dabble in next, and share more about language learning with you.