May 20th, 2015
10 Génial French YouTubers to Help You Learn French
Have you come here after a little visit to YouTube to watch one cat video shared on your Facebook wall only to have spent an hour on there completely out of your will? Urgh. YouTube sucks, right? It sucks the time right out of our day, leaving us with a mere 3 minutes to cram a days worth of language learning into before we hit the hay.
Of course, as you might know, I have a YouTube channel, and I quite like it, so it’s not all bad. It’s a way to express yourself and share your thoughts freely and openly online via video. And there’s actually some pretty useful content on YouTube too. It’s not all baby monkeys riding on pigs.
Well, I want to share with you some French vloggers to add to your regular Zoella, Pointless Vlog, and Sprinkle of Glitter cycle. Some of these may require a good knowledge of French first, others might just be nice to look at for the moving pictures as you improve your French skills in the meantime. Enjoy.

And now on to the essential French YouTubers to help you learn French…
Norman Fait des Videos
Norman is without a doubt my favourite French YouTuber. He takes his time to make great quality content that’s entertaining, and guaranteed to give you some new slang vocab along the way. If he’s speaking too fast for you, try Les Apple Addict, which I think was one of the first I saw of his a few years ago now, and has English subtitles if you click ‘CC’.
Shortly after discovering Norman, I discovered Cyprien. Probably in the sidebar straight after watching Les Apple Addict for the first time. I then realised that while the trend in the UK tends to be for females talking to themselves in a room, in France it was all about les mecs. My favourite one doesn’t involve a wide-angle lens and a ranty topic though. Even those new to French can understand the idea behind Les Pub vs La Vie.
Related: Why Social Media is The Best Free Language Learning Tool
Andy is a lady! There doesn’t seem to be as many big French females on YouTube but there are a handful, and Andy is one of them. Her videos often follow a ‘vs’ idea, so if you’re not feeling too confident with your French, you’ll at least get the idea. Try this one to start.
Andy is not the only lady making comedy YouTube videos. Natoo is also up there as one of the most popular French YouTubers. Natoo’s channel is a little more varied with travel vlogs, sketches, and translations of Blurred Lines. The video is a great start as it’s quite visual so you won’t need to understand every word to know what’s going on.
Related: FluentU Review: How to Use YouTube Videos for Language Learning
Seb La Frite
Seb la Frite speaks a little slower than some others in the list I find, which is good for beginners with listening to longer audio. He also discusses music a lot, which makes him a great choice if you’re after some new French music artists to listen to. An all round good choice to get started with watching YouTube in French.
La Chaine de Jeremy
Like many other YouTubers, Jeremy asks those questions we’re either too afraid to ask and addresses those pressing issues we had no idea bugged us until we watched a video about it on YouTube. And he’s pretty good at it.
Related: Quick Start Guide: How to Use Instagram for Language Learning
Ok, so there are more girls than just Andy and Natoo. With lookbooks and makeup tutorials, it’s not something I would watch personally but Sananas seems a good option if you’re a fan of that kind of video.
Mais oui! Tu est jolie! Despite the sad name, Jenesuispasjolie looks to be another good girly option. Now if you’ll excuse me I must go and powder my nose. If you’re a teacher looking for videos for your teenage students, then her Draw My Life is a good place to start. Léa speaks clearly and describes her family and friends throughout the video with the visual aid of the whiteboard. Come to think of it, wouldn’t this make a great homework task for students?!
Aurélie Marau
Aurélie makes a variety of videos about beauty, cooking, hair tutorials and all sorts of stuff. Here’s a make-up video – great for learning beauty specific vocab if that’s your thing.
Related: How I Use Snapchat for Language Learning
Horia covers all the things you’d expect from a self-proclaimed ‘youtubeuse beauté’ – beauty, style, advice. But she’s also not afraid to have fun and poke a little fun at the bizarre world of YouTube, such as in this video.
This list wouldn’t be complete without a cooking channel. I think I’ve found the French equivalent to Barry Lewis in FastGoodCuisine. And he makes Oreos. And other things, but let’s just rewind a minute. He has a video telling you how to make Oreos. I think that’s a good place to end this list because I’m pretty sure you’re off to the kitchen now.
Related: Why French Is Easy by Benny Lewis. A Review
There’s also plenty of French related blogs right here!
Learn more language with YouTube videos
If you want to learn more language with YouTube videos, you’ll love FluentU. This service creates activities around YouTube videos in your target language so you can have some focused study time instead of getting distracted by that cat or latest dance trend in the sidebar. Woop! Check out my review here to read more.